Degrowing to Sustainability

I used to have the word ‘Sustainabilityist’ as the headline for my website. This was because all the other catch-all terms are two narrow.

I’ve change it to ‘Degrowing to Sustainability’. This is thanks to a tweet by Jason Hickel I saw. Hickel said this:

Someone asked why use the term degrowth instead of sustainability? It's because sustainability is the goal; degrowth (reduction of energy and resource use) is how we get there. It adds clarity around what needs to be done, and this clarity makes it impossible to fudge or co-opt.

Voices calling for Degrowth are increasing, degrowth is experiencing a growth - ironically. But it remains quite fringe and many in the sustainability movement are nervous about it.

To think we can achieve sustainability without degrowth is wishful thinking; the mathematics don’t add up. We can’t grow our way to sustainability, we can’t redistribute our way to sustainability; there needs to be a swift and just degrowth to the future.

Morgan PhillipsComment